P.J. O’Rourke On Compulsory Government Charity

After being bombarded by flyers and commercials from the Obama campaign, all claiming horrid things such as.. the other guy would make kids borrow money from their parents to go to college, or the other guy will cut this or that social program, or the other guy will throw grandma off a cliff, I have officially had it!

And I have had it with people telling me I can’t be a Christian and be against all these charitable government social programs! They say I am a hypocritical for not wanting to help the poor by voting for their candidates. I say charity is a gift you give from your heart, of your own free will, it’s not taken from your wallet by the IRS. And trust me, there is no end to the arguments on that position from the 47% of the people in this country who don’t even pay a federal income tax. But if you ask me, that’s the real hypocrisy!

Which reminds me of these Words Of Freedom… Which is the issue before our country today:

There is no virtue in compulsory government charity, and there is no virtue in advocating it. A politician who portrays himself as “caring” and “sensitive” because he wants to expand the government’s charitable programs is merely saying that he’s willing to try to do good with other people’s money. Well, who isn’t? And a voter who takes pride in supporting such programs is telling us that he’ll do good with his own money — if a gun is held to his head. ~ P.J. O’Rourke

Barry Goldwater on the defence of liberty

Having just read a forum post calling for “radical” solutions to our dire political and economic situation I thought back to a few famous words from our past, a past not all that different from today. The year was 1964, a heated presidential campaign was under way, the country was in the midst of a very unpopular war in Vietnam and Americans feared for both their domestic safety and the very real possibility of a widening conflict against foreign enemies.

So for all those like the author of the post I mentioned above who find themselves wanting action while members of both political parties seek to compromise or do the “safe thing” for their own careers. For all those who find themselves wanting the truth at any cost and a real solution no matter how painful, let us remember:

“I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!” – Barry Goldwater

Click here to read the entire transcript of the Barry Goldwater Republican Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech – July 16, 1964